Pronoun Badge Click to copy this to your clipboard 📄

Copy this text and paste it into your GitHub profile repo, or wherever you can write html or markdown.

A pronoun badge that reads He|Him|His|His|Himself|👫
This is the generated badge at that URL.

Fill in this form with your pronouns. The code snippet above will update as you go.
If you don't want to include a section, just leave it blank.

He is amazing.

Give an award to him.

His brain is intimidating!

He thinks the cat is his but the cat thinks otherwise.

He thinks highly of himself.

This/these emoji say something about you. 👫

This is the background colour of the badge (#B00B55: A hex colour)

The image sent back will be 60px high.

Each section will be separated by this/these characters. e.g. 👁|👄|👁

A pronoun badge that reads Zie|Zim|Zis|Zir|Zieself|🧑‍🤝‍🧑 accusamus beatae ad facilis cum similique qui sunt
Inputs: Zie, Zim, Zis, Zir, Zieself, 🧑‍🤝‍🧑
A pronoun badge that reads She|Her|🧑‍🤝‍🍕 reprehenderit est deserunt velit ipsam
Inputs: She, Her, 🧑‍🤝‍🍕
A pronoun badge that reads He|Him|His|His|Himself officia porro iure quia iusto qui ipsa ut modi
Inputs: He, Him, His, His, Himself
A pronoun badge that reads Hep|Himp|His|His|Himself culpa odio esse rerum omnis laboriosam voluptate repudiandae
Inputs: Hep, Himp, His, His, Himself
A pronoun badge that reads cat|Him|His|His|Himself natus nisi omnis corporis facere molestiae rerum in
Inputs: cat, Him, His, His, Himself
A pronoun badge that reads elf|Himp|His|His|Himself accusamus ea aliquid et amet sequi nemo
Inputs: elf, Himp, His, His, Himself

So, what is this?

This is a way for me, to learn the web framework Svelte. It's also an attempt to make something useful in a series of one day bursts when I get sick of all my other projects. You can put this image URL anywhere that you can control the markup. The obvious place is in your GitHub profile repo.

For the moment, the repo for the back end is here and the front end is here.